List of prices notified to Kela | About Kela | KelaSkip to content

Possible maintenance breaks in the Kela’s online services on 10/2/2025 at 20:30–00:30 Read more

List of prices notified to Kela

Kela publishes a list of the prices for substitutable products and of the price bands determined on the basis of these prices at least 7 days before the first day of each quarter. The list includes the products for which it has been possible to determine the upper limit of the price band on the basis of the price notifications that have been sent to Kela.

On the list, those generally available products whose prices are at maximum at the upper limit of the price band at the beginning of the quarter are indicated as being included in the price band. However, the products included in the price band may change during the quarter because the pharmaceutical companies can change the prices of the products every 2 weeks.

Up-to-date information on the products included in the price band and on the prices of the products is available in Kela's Medicinal Products Database. Go to Medicinal Products Database.

Lists of prices notified to Kela

Columns in the list

  • Substituutioryhmäkoodi = Substitution group code. 10-digit code of the substitution group.
  • Vnr = Nordic article number. 6-digit code individualising the package.
  • Myyntihinta (sis. alv) = Retail price (incl. VAT). Retail price including value-added tax. The retail price is calculated using a formula defined in the Government Decree on the price determination of drugs ( (in Finnish).
  • * = The product belongs to a price band. The price of the product equals at the most the upper limit of the price band and, according to the price notification submitted to Kela, the product is generally available.
  • Viitehinta = Reference price. Highest price for which the customer can receive reimbursement.
  • Hintaputken yläraja = Upper limit of the price band. Price limit at which the pharmacy must substitute products whose price exceeds the limit for cheaper substitutable products.
  • Lääkenimi = Product name. Trade name of the product.
  • Vahvuus = Strength. Amount of medicinal substance in the product.
  • Pakkauskoko = Package size. Size of the package, e.g. number of tablets contained in the package.
  • Lääkemuotonimi = Name of medicine form. Form of the medicine, e.g. tablet, cream or solution for injection.
  • Haltija = Holder. Name of the holder of marketing authorization.
  • Lääkeaine = Active substance. Name of the medicinal substance or group of substances.
Last modified 27/6/2024