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Student Health Care Forum

Arranging health services for students and collecting fees and depts are Kela's newest tasks.

The current term of the Forum runs from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2026.

Some of the topics which the forum will discuss and engage with include the following:

  • supporting the implementation of Kela's task
  • handling communications related to the implementation of the law
  • examinating the student health care provider network
  • collecting fees for health care and providing fee-related services
  • ensuring cooperation and understanding across organisational boundaries - exchange of information
  • monitoring and developing the services from a client perspective.

Reija Jääskeläinen, Head of Centre, Kela

Mari Stenberg, Senior Coordinator, Kela


  • Member: Päivi Laakkonen, Student Welfare Officer, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Arene
  • Member: Annika Stadius, Head of Student Services, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Arene
  • Member: Mari Ikonen, Director of educational services, University of Jyväskylä, OHA-forum
    Deputy member: Laura Teinilä, Head of guidance, career and welfare services, University of Helsinki, OHA-forum
  • Member: Linda Vallenius, Member of Board, SAMOK - Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences
    Deputy member: Julia Ståhle, SAMOK - Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences
  • Member: Arja Ruponen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
    Deputy member: Titta Honkala, Legal Counsel, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
  • Member: Henri Kontkin, Social Policy Adviser, National Union of University Students in Finland
    Deputy member: Sakari Tuomisto, Social Policy Adviser, National Union of University Students in Finland
  • Member: Johanna Jahnukainen, Development manager, Finnish institute for health and welfare
    Deputy member: Reija Klemetti, Research manager, Finnish institute for health and welfare
  • Member: Vesa-Matti Sarenius, Director of educational services, University of Oulu
    Deputy member: Sanna Kotajärvi-Söderholm, Head of study services, University of Vaasa

  • Member: Katariina Poskiparta, Managing Director, Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS)
    Deputy member: Teija Kulmala, Medical Director, Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS)

Last modified 3/7/2024