Commuting and relocation allowance | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

Commuting and relocation allowance

The commuting and relocation allowance compensates for the costs incurred if you accept a job offer or a place of study that is a prerequisite for finding a job further away from where you live. You can also get the allowance if you have to move because of the job. Commuting and relocation allowances are paid by Kela and the unemployment funds.

Eligibility for commuting and relocation allowance

You can receive commuting and relocation allowance if you start an employment relationship and accept an offer for one of the following types of job that lasts at least 2 months:

  • full-time work with a commute of at least 3 hours
  • part-time work with a commute of at least 2 hours.

You receive the allowance for days of work and days of paid annual leave or sick leave. Commuting and relocation allowance can also be paid for jobs outside Finland.

Commuting and relocation allowance is paid if you before the start of the employment relationship received labour market subsidy, basic unemployment allowance or earnings-related unemployment allowance. You can also receive commuting and relocation allowance if you have not received unemployment allowance due to for instance a mandatory waiting period or qualifying period.

You can receive commuting and relocation allowance, if you move closer to the place of work because of a job that lasts for at least 2 months. Before the move, the commute must have been at least 3 hours per day for full-time work or at least 2 hours per day for part-time work.

If finding work requires participation in work-related training, you can also receive commuting and relocation allowance for the time of training. The duration of the training or who arranges the training is not significant. The commute to the training must also be 3 hours if you will start full-time work, or 2 hours if you will start part-time work. You can also receive commuting and relocation allowance if you have to move because of such training.

Commuting and relocation allowance is not granted for general education that provides vocational skills, self-motivated study or obtaining of professional qualifications even when they result in finding employment.

How much is the commuting and relocation allowance?

The amount of the commuting and relocation allowance equals that of the basic amount of the basic unemployment allowance or labour market subsidy. There is no waiting period that must be completed before qualifying for the allowance.

The allowance can be increased if the commute is unusually long (more than 200 km). The increase is EUR 5.29 per day.

Government proposes end to commuting and relocation allowance

The Government proposes that commuting and relocation allowance would also no longer be paid at an increased rate.

Learn more

You must pay taxes on the commuting and relocation allowance.

You can receive commuting and relocation allowance for a maximum of 5 days per week. Commuting and relocation allowance is paid

  • for 30 days if you accept a job that lasts for at least 2 months
  • for 45 days if you accept a job that lasts for at least 3 months
  • for 60 days if you accept a job that lasts for at least 4 months.

However, at the most you can receive the allowance until the employment relationship ends.

If you work part-time, you can receive wages, adjusted unemployment benefit as well as commuting and relocation allowance at the same time.

The commuting and relocation allowance is paid to your bank account every 4 weeks. Payment is made at the end of each four-week period. The first payment period is 2 weeks. The payment days are stated in the decision on commuting and relocation allowance.

Jyrki has been unemployed and receives labour market subsidy. He finds a job in Tampere for 3 days per week. The time-limited employment contract lasts 3 months. Jyrki lives in Espoo, which means that his commute is more than 2 hours. Getting the job requires participation in a 5-day recruitment training in Tampere.

Jyrki receives wages for the days of work and adjusted labour market subsidy at the same time. For the days of training and the days of work, Jyrki receives commuting and relocation allowance for a total of 45 days. The amount of the commuting and relocation allowance is EUR 37.21 per day, and the wage does not affect it.

Mirja is unemployed and lives in Oulu. She finds a full-time job for 6 months in Rovaniemi. The daily commute would be more than 3 hours, so Mirja decides to move to Rovaniemi. She receives commuting and relocation allowance for 60 days due to the move.

How to apply for commuting and relocation allowance

If you are a member of an unemployment fund, send the form to the unemployment fund.

If you apply for commuting and relocation allowance from Kela, file the application in the OmaKela e-service:

  1. Complete the joint application form for Kela and the unemployment funds for commuting and relocation allowance at and save the form on your device in pdf format.
    • Save the blank form to your device. Do not fill in the application directly in the browser, otherwise some of the information may not be saved.
    • Open the form with Adobe Reader and fill it in.
    • Save the completed form to your device. Note that the form must be in PDF format.
  2. Send the application using the OmaKela e-service:
    • Log in to OmaKela (available in Finnish and Swedish). Select Tee hakemus (File an application).
    • Select Työttömyys (Unemployment) and then Liikkuvuusavustus (Commuting and relocation allowance).
    • When you send your application online, you do not need to sign it.
    • Send supporting documents via OmaKela after you have submitted your application. If they are paper documents, you can photograph them.
  3. Visit the OmaKela e-service to see if your application has been decided, how much you will get and when your benefits will be paid. You can also see possible reminders concerning, for instance, any documents missing from your application. You will also receive a decision by post if you have not given up paper mail.

Another option is to send the application by mail. Fill in and print out the form. Send the application and any supporting documents by mail. The address is Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

The decision notice is only in Finnish or Swedish. If you need help with something, you can call one of our English language customer service numbers.

File an application for the commuting and relocation allowance within 3 months of the date from which you wish to receive it.


Do you still have questions?

Call Kela’s customer service.

020 634 2550
020 634 2550
Last modified 15/10/2024