Benefit calculators | Our Services | KelaSkip to content


Benefit calculators let you see whether you might be eligible for various benefits and how much you could expect to get. Please note that the result will be an estimate based on the data you enter. No personal information otherwise available to Kela is used, and the results are not recorded. 

General housing allowance calculator
With this calculator, you can estimate the amount of general housing allowance.

Pregnancy and parental allowance: Payment period calculator
You can use this calculator to estimate the start and end dates of your pregnancy or parental allowance. You can also check how turning over some payment days to someone else would affect the number of days available and how you could split your allowance into several periods.

Family leave calculator
You can use this calculator to give you an idea of how sharing family leave between parents can affect your family income. 

See also

Calculators in Finnish
Calculators in Swedish