NUOTTI coaching | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Nuotti coaching

Nuotti coaching is individual coaching for young people between 16 and 29 years of age whose functional ability has weakened significantly and who need support to make plans for education or training and for entering working life. 

The aim of Nuotti coaching is that the young person starts planning their future by identifying their strengths and resources and by acquiring skills needed in education or training and in working life. During the coaching, the participants take the first steps towards starting a course of education and entering the working world.

For the Nuotti coaching, you will get your own coach, with whom you cooperate to achieve your goals.

No medical diagnosis or doctor’s evaluation of your health status is needed to apply to Nuotti coaching.

You can for instance be in one of the following situations:

  • you may not have found a suitable education or job
  • you may have interrupted your studies or be at risk of doing so
  • your plans for the future may still be unclear and you may need help to work them out.

If your health or functional ability is such that is not yet the right time for you to start a goal-oriented course of rehabilitation built around a coaching approach, you should first take a look at other rehabilitation options. Feel free to contact Kela for help in sorting out your rehabilitation options.

Learn more about rehabilitation service providers

First, select ‘ammatillinen kuntoutus’ (vocational rehabilitation) and then ‘Nuotti-valmennus’ (Nuotti coaching).


Goals of Nuotti coaching

Nuotti coaching is designed to help you

  • learn how to use your resources in daily life, studies, work and job search
  • improve your readiness to participate in working life
  • learn more about various options for studying, working or getting into rehabilitation
  • plan your education or your place in the working world
  • work on your life management skills (for instance problem-solving skills, your own resources, trusting in your own capabilities)
  • together with your coach cooperate with other organisations (such as employment authorities and healthcare providers).

What Nuotti coaching involves and how it is implemented

Nuotti coaching includes individual meetings with the Nuotti coach. There can be up to 20 meetings, with each lasting 60 minutes. The coach contacts you regularly. The coach can accompany you for instance when visiting a Kela customer service point, a doctor or the employment authorities.

The coaching will involve cooperation with for instance the employment authorities or the healthcare services. The cooperation aims to ensure that you get the services you need even after the coaching ends. 

The coaching takes place over a period of five months. The coaching can take place over a period of ten months if you participate in vocational rehabilitation assessment arranged by Kela during the coaching and your need for Nuotti coaching continues after that.

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Last modified 18/12/2024