Special pregnancy allowance | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

Special pregnancy allowance

You can get special pregnancy allowance if you have to stay off work before you go on pregnancy leave because your work poses a risk to your pregnancy.

Daily allowances for parents is a collective term for the following benefits:

  • pregnancy allowance and special pregnancy allowance
  • parental allowance and partial parental allowance
  • paternity allowance (if the estimated due date of the baby was before 4 September 2022)

AnkkuriCan you get special pregnancy allowance?

You can claim special pregnancy allowance if

  • you are pregnant and you have to stay off work
  • you are fit for work
  • in your work you are exposed to factors such as chemicals, radiation or infectious diseases
  • if the risk factors in your work cannot be avoided and your employer cannot arrange other work for you during your pregnancy.

If your employer pays you a salary during the time you receive special pregnancy allowance, the special pregnancy allowance is paid to your employer. However, you must still submit your application for special pregnancy allowance to Kela.

AnkkuriFor what period can you get special pregnancy allowance?

Special pregnancy allowance is paid until your actual pregnancy leave begins. Special pregnancy allowance does not count against the actual pregnancy allowance days to which you may be entitled.

Payment of special pregnancy allowance ends if your working conditions are made safe and you can return to work, or if your employment ends. While you are paid special pregnancy allowance, you cannot work for another employer on weekdays.

AnkkuriHow much is the special pregnancy allowance?

The amount of the special pregnancy allowance is based on your annual income. Annual income includes wage income, income under the Self-Employed Persons' (YEL) and Farmers' (MYEL) Pensions Acts, and certain benefits.

These are some examples of special pregnancy allowance based on different wage incomes.

If your wage income is EUR 20,000 per year, the special pregnancy allowance is
EUR 42.49 per working day
Wage income EUR 30,000 per year
EUR 63.74 per working day
Wage income EUR 40,000 per year
EUR 84.98 per working day
Wage income EUR 50,000 per year
EUR 104.44 per working day

If your income does not exceed EUR 13,712 per year, you may receive the minimum rate of allowance.

The minimum rate of allowance is
EUR 31.99 per day

Special pregnancy allowance is paid for working days. Working days are Monday to Saturday, with the exception of holidays that fall on a weekday.

You must pay tax on the special pregnancy allowance.

You can use the calculator to get a more accurate estimate of the amount of special pregnancy allowance on the basis of your annual income.

Use the calculator to get an estimate of the special pregnancy allowance

Go to the calculator

AnkkuriWhen is special pregnancy allowance paid out?

Special pregnancy allowance is paid in arrears every 25 days. You can check the exact payment date in the OmaKela e-service (available in Finnish and Swedish) once you have received a decision on special pregnancy allowance.

AnkkuriHow to claim special pregnancy allowance

  1. First see your occupational health physician. Your physician will write you a statement (form SV 97) concerning workplace health risks to foetal development or to the continuation of the pregnancy.
  2. Claim special pregnancy allowance in the OmaKela e-service.
  3. Take photographs of the supporting documents and send them in OmaKela.

    In addition to the statement from your occupational health physician, you will need two other supporting documents:
    • a certificate of pregnancy (SV 75) from your doctor or maternity clinic
    • your employer's notification concerning working conditions and absence from work (SV 96e).
  4. Visit OmaKela to see if your application has been decided, how much you will get and when your benefits will be paid. You can also see reminders to submit any missing documents. The decision notice will also be sent to your home address unless you have given up paper mail.

    If your employer pays you a salary during your pregnancy leave, you will not receive a decision on your application until your employer has submitted their separate application to Kela.

If you cannot file an application in OmaKela, you can complete and print out the form Application - Parental benefits SV 15e (pdf). Send the application and any supporting documents by mail. The address is Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

Claim special pregnancy allowance

Go to OmaKela (in Finnish and Swedish)

AnkkuriThings to remember when you apply for special pregnancy allowance

You can claim special pregnancy allowance as soon as you start your special pregnancy leave.

Claim the allowance within 2 months of the start of your leave at the latest.

Check with your employer if you will be paid a salary during your special pregnancy leave. You will need this information when you apply for special pregnancy allowance.

If your employer pays a salary during your special pregnancy leave, the employer must submit a separate application for the special pregnancy allowance. Kela does not issue a decision on special pregnancy allowance until we have received applications from both you and your employer.

In general, an employer cannot submit an application until they have paid the salary for the special pregnancy leave.

AnkkuriReport changes that affect your special pregnancy allowance

Remember to report any changes in your circumstances to Kela so that we can pay your special pregnancy allowance correctly.

Report for instance if

  • your working conditions change and you can return to work
  • your employer changes.

Use OmaKela (available in Finnish and Swedish) to report changes or call our customer service 020 634 2550customer service 020 634 2550.

If you do not report changes, you may be paid benefits you are not entitled to. In that case the benefit will be recovered from you later.

Do you still have questions?

Call Kela’s customer service.

020 634 2550
020 634 2550
Last modified 16/9/2024