Basic social assistance and moving costs | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

Basic social assistance and moving costs

Kela can grant basic social assistance towards essential costs related to moving, such as the cost of transporting household goods. If you will handle the move yourself, EUR 120 or EUR 180 can be recognised as your moving costs for social assistance purposes. The amount varies based on how far you are moving and the size of your family. In special circumstances, for example due to health reasons, Kela may issue a voucher that can be used for removal services. If you are about to move, you should contact Kela well in advance.

Assistance with moving costs may be granted for the following reasons, among others:

  • divorce or end of cohabitation
  • health reasons
  • change in family size
  • homelessness
  • threat of homelessness
  • finding employment in another city or town
  • gaining admission to a degree-oriented educational programme in another city or town
  • moving to a more affordable apartment.

Assistance with moving costs is not granted if the move is being made

  • for convenience (e.g., access to a sauna or a yard, moving to a more attractive part of town) 
  • moving to a more expensive apartment
  • for the purpose of moving to another city or town without specific reasons
  • moving out of the parental home without specific reasons.
Last modified 22/4/2021