Survivor benefits | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

What kind of survivors’ pensions can you get?

There are two survivors' pension schemes in Finland: survivors' pensions under the National Pensions Act and under the earnings-related pension legislation, and they complement each other. The survivors’ pensions that Kela pays are based on the National Pensions Act.

  1. Find out if you have a right to survivor’s pension from Kela.
    Kela can provide assistance to the surviving spouse or the deceased person’s child in the form of survivors’ pensions, which are payable either as spouse's pension or orphan’s pension. You can apply for survivors’ pension from the start of the month following the month of death.
    Spouse's pension
    Orphan's pension
  2. Find out if you have a right to survivor’s pension from other sources.
    Survivors’ pensions may also be available from the deceased person’s pension provider or for instance from employment accident or motor insurance.
    Survivors' pensions from other payers than Kela
  3. Things to remember after losing a family member.
    There are many practical matters to take care of after losing a family member. We have put together a checklist to help you through this stressful situation.
    Things to remember after losing a family member
    Things to remember after losing a child
  4. Tell Kela about a death in your family.
    If your family member received a pension or some other Kela benefit, call Kela’s customer service to report the death.

Other help available from Kela

  • Do you need assistance with your housing costs?

    Housing allowance can compensate for a reduced income and help with your housing costs. The housing allowance for pensioners is intended for low-income pensioners.

  • Do you need assistance with funeral costs?

    Kela does not provide funeral assistance, but you may wish to contact the deceased person’s employer, an insurance company, a trade union, the wellbeing services county or the State Treasury Office for assistance with funeral costs.

  • Do you have children?

    If you have children, be sure to check if your child has a right to orphan’s pension. If your child is under 17, you can also apply for a single-parent supplement to the child benefit.

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