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Book an appointment for telephone service

You can go online to book an appointment with Kela’s telephone service. You can also call the telephone service without a scheduled appointment.

Call our telephone service without a scheduled appointment

Book a phone appointment online

Can I book an appointment with a customer service point?

Many of Kela’s customer service points provide service without an appointment, but some are open by appointment only. Call our customer service number to request an appointment with a customer service point.

Look up the opening hours of customer service points

Call our telephone service

How to book a phone appointment online

You do not need an appointment in order to handle Kela matters on the phone

At the moment, there are very few appointments available for our telephone service. Call our customer service and we will help you immediately.

  1. Select Advice/General information as the reason for the appointment and then pick Short discussion time on Kela matters as specifier.
  2. Select a convenient time.
  3. Check your contact information and confirm the appointment.
  4. Log out when you are finished.

You can also check, change or cancel your appointment online.

Book an appointment online

Log in

A customer service specialist from Kela will call you at the agreed time from one of two numbers: 020 692 219 or 020 634 1611. Please have at hand all documents that are relevant to the issues you want to discuss, such as salary statements or medical certificates.

If you cannot make an appointment on your own, call Kela’s customer service or visit a customer service point for help. Other organisations that regularly work with Kela, such as the municipal social services, the employment services or healthcare organisations, can also make a phone appointment for you on Kela’s website.

FAQ about appointments

If you need to book an appointment for someone else, that person needs to authorize you to act on their behalf. The authorization needs to be granted in the The authorization is called Managing matters related to social welfare services.

A legal guardian can book an appointment for his or her child under 18 without a separate authorization.

When you book an appointment for another person, log in and verify your identity with your credentials, but register the other person's name and contact information.

Read more about acting on someone’s behalf.

Online you can book an appointment for service in Finnish, Swedish or English. If you cannot handle matters in these languages, do not book an appointment online. Call us or visit a customer service point. Kela's customer service specialist can book an interpreter for you. 

If you need sign language interpretation, please contact the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled. Read more about sign language interpretation services.

You can cancel the appointment online. Log in to the appointment booking system and select View reservations on the front page. Click the link Cancel reservation for the appointment you wish to cancel. After this, select the reason for the cancellation and confirm the cancellation.

Last modified 1/1/2025