Form for customer data for the interpreter service | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

Customer information form

Use the customer information form to provide Kela with the information needed to arrange interpreter services for you. The Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled needs for instance your e-mail address or phone number and data on the communication methods that you use. A suitable interpreter will be assigned to your booking on the basis of the data you have provided.

On the customer information form you should also indicate whether or not you wish to use an interpreter list.

Forms and instructions

Customers with hearing impairment

Customers with speech impairment

Customers with vision and hearing impairment

Send the customer information form online:

  • Complete the form and save it in PDF format on your computer.
  • Log in to Kela’s e-service at (in Finnish) or (in Swedish).
  • Select Vammaisten tulkkauspalvelu (Interpreting services for the disabled) as the subject of your message, and attach the customer information form to the message.

You can also mail it to:

  • Complete and print out the form.
  • Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

Make sure that your client data are up to date and notify us of any changes

Contact the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled if

  • your e-mail address changes
  • your phone number changes
  • there are changes to your communication methods
  • you move abroad
  • you receive interpreter service on the basis of some other Act than the Act on Interpreting Services for the Disabled, for instance the Employment Accidents Insurance Act, the Motor Liability Insurance Act or the Basic Education Act
  • your health status changes and you no longer need interpreter service

You can provide the information by sending us a new customer information form in the OmaKela e-service or by mail.

Read more

Last modified 1/1/2025