Sickness allowances | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Sickness allowances

Kela provides compensation for loss of income due to incapacity for work in the form of various allowances paid for the time of absence from work. The amount of sickness allowance, partial sickness allowance, and sickness allowance on account of human cell, tissue or organ donation (donor allowance) is proportional to the recipient’s annual income. See how the amount of sickness allowance is calculated. The infectious disease allowance is a full compensation for loss of income.  

Sickness allowance

Sickness allowance  provides compensation for loss of income resulting from a period of incapacity for work lasting less than 12 months.

Sickness allowance is paid after you have completed a waiting period. If your sick leave is shorter than the waiting period, do not apply for sickness allowance. 

Self-employed persons insured under the Self-Employed Persons’ Pensions Act (the YEL Act) can apply for YEL allowance for the duration of the waiting period for sickness allowance. The waiting period that applies to the YEL allowance is one day, i.e. the first day of illness. You can get YEL allowance until the end of the waiting period specified in the Health Insurance Act (first day of illness + nine working days). 

Kela pays sickness allowance based on incapacity for work for a maximum of 300 working days.

Partial sickness allowance

Partial sickness allowance can help you remain employed and return to full-time work when you are unfit for work. In order to qualify for partial sickness allowance, you must be working full time and agree with your employer on switching from full-time work to part-time work. Your working hours must be reduced to 40–60 per cent of what they were when you were working full time. The partial sickness allowance is available for a maximum of 150 working days.

Infectious disease allowance

Sickness allowance on account of an infectious disease can be paid to persons who have been ordered to stay off work or who have been quarantined or placed in isolation due to an infectious disease. It is available for as long as the order remains in effect.

Sickness allowance on account of human cell, tissue or organ donation

Persons who donate human cells, tissue or organs can be paid a donor allowance for the duration that they are incapable of working due to a medical procedure or examinations carried out in connection with their donation.

Do you still have questions?

Call Kela’s customer service.

020 634 2650
020 634 2650


Last modified 13/2/2025